Efecto de la rehabilitación cardiaca en la vivencia de la enfermedad tras el IAM

  1. Urzainqui Senosiain, Leire
  2. Moro Blázquez, Ainoa
  3. Ramos Elvira, Carmen
  4. García Martí, Carlos
  5. Portuondo Maseda, María Teresa
  6. Hernández de las Heras, Teresa
Enfermería en cardiología: revista científica e informativa de la Asociación Española de Enfermería en Cardiología

ISSN: 1575-4146

Argitalpen urtea: 2011

Zenbakia: 53

Orrialdeak: 72-81

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Enfermería en cardiología: revista científica e informativa de la Asociación Española de Enfermería en Cardiología


Objetive: To explore the consequences of attending or not to the Cardiac Rehabilitation programme on the perceptions and beliefs after a Miocardial Infarction (MI). � Methodology: Cualitative and phenomenology study. Patients of the practice Cardiologist and the Cardiac Rehabilitaction Service of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in 2010. Inclusion criteria: to had a first MI betwen the three and six monyhs earlier. 27 participants. 4 profiles were done under the variables: age; sex and participants or not on the Cardica Rehabilitation Programme. Convenience sampling. 4 focus group and y 7 semi-structurated interviews were done , up to the saturatio speech. Four members did the analysis through a triangulation method. Identifying blocks and thematic categories. � Results: The Cardiac Rehabilitation modifies the perceptions and patient beliefs, affecting on the ranges identifies on the Rehabilitation process. Increase and improve the information received, providing the patient more knowledge about the disease and changes to adopt. The patient experiment a higher security and social support that improves the implication on the secondary prevention. Improves the future expectaives perceives reducing the fear and the anxiety. On the other hand the not participants have higher ignorance of the disease, a less implication on the rehabilitation process. The Cardiac Rehabilitation provides the knowledge and the support for the adjustement to the new life style.The participants on the Cardiac Rehabilitatin Programme are better prepared and more motivated for the secondary prevention than the not participants.