La caracterización del saber especializado en los diccionarios generales bilingües desde la perspectiva del traductor

  1. ORTEGO ANTÓN, María Teresa 1
  2. FERNÁNDEZ NISTAL, Purificación 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Valladolid

    Universidad de Valladolid

    Valladolid, España


Hikma: estudios de traducción = translation studies

ISSN: 1579-9794

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 13

Pages: 97-123

Type: Article

DOI: 10.21071/HIKMA.V13I.5228 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openHelvia editor

More publications in: Hikma: estudios de traducción = translation studies

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In recent decades, there has been a revolution in expert knowledge due to the emergence of new concepts and, consequently, new terms. Thus, general vocabulary has been gradually enlarged with terms traditionally limited to specialised discourse. In addition, expert knowledge is usually produced in the English language. However, in the globalised world, the need to transfer terms to other languages such as Spanish has emerged. General bilingual dictionaries are increasingly used to solve the difficulties that arise for users in the transference of specialised knowledge into other languages; nevertheless, this tool is not the most suitable when making decisions about the equivalents of specialised terms in other language. In this paper, we try to get a characterization of specialized vocabulary gathered in two of the most prestigious general bilingual dictionaries in English and Spanish. From our findings, we hope to obtain relevant data that emphasize the need to improve the standard of information gathered in these reference works and implement the searching procedures adopted by general bilingual dictionary users and, specially, by translators and translation trainees.

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