La acústica del teatro romano de Clunia a la vista de los escritos de Vitruvio

  1. Vallejo Ortega, Gonzalo
  2. Sánchez Rivera, José Ignacio
  3. Iglesia Santamaría, Miguel Ángel de la
Tecniacústica 2009

Verlag: Sociedad Española de Acústica

ISBN: 84-87095-17-8

Datum der Publikation: 2009

Titel des Bandes: Comunicaciones. Acústica de salas

Ausgabe: 8

Kongress: Congreso Español de Acústica ; Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica (40. 2009. Cádiz)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


This work analyzes the acoustic criteria applied in the design of Clunia Theatre, a Roman city placed near Coruña del Conde, in the province of Burgos (Spain). The reasons to chose this particular theatre is that it is an archeology ruin in a restoration process and it responds to a typologie of enclosures where acoustics were the most important challenge. For this analysis, we have the writtens bequeathed by the Roman Architect Vitruvio (I Century b.C) in his Fifth Book about Architecture, where he puts in relation geometry and the application of Greek musical system with the acoustic of these enclosures.