Aplicación del método de valoración contingente a bienes culturalesestimaciones de valor del Museo Patio Herreriano

  1. Bedate Centeno, Ana María
  2. Herrero Prieto, Luis César
  3. Sanz Lara, José Angel
Anales de economía aplicada 2007
  1. Fernández Arufe, Josefa E. (dir.)
  2. Rojo García, José Luis (dir.)
  3. Moyano Pesquera, Pedro Benito (coord.)
  4. Somarriba Arechavala, Noelia (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación Española de Economía Aplicada, ASEPELT

ISBN: 84-96477-93-2

Year of publication: 2007

Volume Title: Área VII : Métodos cuantitativos

Volume: 7

Pages: 350-375

Congress: ASEPELT España. Reunión anual (21. 2007. Valladolid)

Type: Conference paper


The use of the contingent valuation method is quite frequent in the field of the public goods, but for the case of the cultural goods it is relatively recent and, in particular, in Spain the number of applications so far is very limited. Among the advantages of this method we have the fact that it allows to carry out estimates direct use and passive use value, when the survey of valuation goes to the public visitor or the potential public. However, a population of interest -difficult to define in the practice- exists, formed by expert public or specially attracted by the cultural object. In this paper, a study of economic valuation of the Museum Patio Herreriano of Spanish Contemporary Art has been made, in which the direct use value, the passive use value, and the value assigned by the interested public is reflected, with compared estimates among explicit visitors of the museum, citizens of Valladolid and assistants to the Fair of Contemporary Art of Madrid.