Characterization of PMx Data Belonging to the Desert-Dust-Inventory Based on AODAlpha RIMA-AERONET Data at Palencia- Autilla Stations

  1. V. E. Cachorro
  2. M. A. Burgos
  3. Y. Bennouna
  4. C. Toledano
  5. B. Torres
  6. D. Mateos
  7. A. Marcos
  8. A. M. de Frutos
2nd Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology: Proceedings Book RICTA 2014
  1. Jordi Grifoll (coord.)
  2. Joan Rosell-Llompart (coord.)

Editorial: Publicacions URV ; Universitat Rovira i Virgili

ISBN: 978-84-695-9978-5

Any de publicació: 2014

Pàgines: 45-49

Congrés: Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (2. 2014. Tarragona)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


This work analyses PMx data recorded as part of the inventory of desert dust intrusions over north-central Spain during the period 2003-2012, [3]. The inventory is based on the values of the aerosol optical depth (AOD), the alpha Ångström parameter and PM10 together with supplementary information, as air masses retro-trajectories, etc… With the aim of characterising the PMx values for these days, the analysis of the monthly climatology and the interannual variability have been established. The most relevant aspect of this work is the evaluation of desert dust contribution of PMx data to the monthly climatology and the mean annual values for the whole period. The annual cycle of PMx desert contribution shows a clear bimodality (peaked in March and August) giving the characteristic shape for this region. This bimodality of desert contribution is already found for the parameter AOD (440 nm) as demonstrated in the previous work. Regarding the tendency of PMx, it shows the decreasing contribution along the decade with a pronounced minimum in 2009 but a new increase in 2011-2012.