Salmo trutta (Linnaeus, 1758) behaviour in a vertical slot fishway: the influence of sex, age, flow and experimental conditions on ascent efficiency

  1. Francisco Javier Bravo Córdoba
  2. Francisco Javier Sanz Ronda
  3. Nuria Ramos González
  4. Juan Francisco Fuentes Pérez
IV Jornadas Ibéricas de Ictiología: V Jornades Ibèriques d'Ictiologia : situación actual y retos de futuro : 17 al 19 de Julio de 2012, Universitat de Girona

Editorial: Universitat de Girona = Universidad de Gerona

ISBN: 978-84-8458-440-7

Año de publicación: 2012

Páginas: 7

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


This paper evaluates a vertical slot fishway for native brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in the Duero river basin, north-western Spain. For this purpose, the behaviour of a brown trout sample on a fish ladder is analyzed, according to their sex and age, under different flow conditions and periods of experimentation. The variables studied are the comparison of success vs. failure in the ascent and the relative passage time. Sex has proven to be an independent parameter of efficiency, but age and above all, discharge flow, have determined fish movements in the fishway. Their activity were concentrated into the first 8 hours of each trial and between 14-22 h solar time, associated with water temperature. These results allow us to optimize the design criteria and management of vertical slot fishways for native brown trout and may guide to standardize fish passes assessments.