El prácticum de Educación Social en el EESSla formación inicial de educadores sociales
ISSN: 0214-7742
Argitalpen urtea: 2006
Zenbakia: 20
Orrialdeak: 243-254
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Tabanque: Revista pedagógica
The article we present is the result of two investigations: "The adaptation of the Degree of Social Education to the degree studies" and "The Prácticum in the surroundings of the European Convergence", both subsidized by the Junta of Castilla y Leon. With this research we tried to know each one of the aspects involved in the adaptation of the studies of degree in the new University model of the European Space, not being the degree the one that could present more problems, but being the Prácticum instead. The study also approaches the implication of the professionals of the education in the formation of the students of social education, then, doubtlessly, the formation of the social future educators happens to show the practical reality of the exercise of its competitions. It entails a symbiosis between three organizations: the university, the School of Social Educators and the centers of practices.