Redes sociales digitalespropuestas para una protección jurídica de sus usuarios en España
- Martínez, Esther 1
- Pacheco, Marta 2
- Atauri, David 3
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Universidad de Valladolid
Universidad Europea de Madrid
ISSN: 1856-9536
Argitalpen urtea: 2011
Zenbakien izenburua: E-ciencia, comunicación y contenidos digitales
Alea: 4
Zenbakia: 2
Orrialdeak: 144-160
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Disertaciones: Anuario electrónico de estudios en Comunicación Social
This paper provides a series of keys with which it is intended to contextualize the current penetration and impact of social networks. It also examines its impact on the modes of relationship between users and how their use involves certain accompanying behaviors, although the use andbecome usual and normal practice should be regulated and limited. In order to contribute to the development of a de lege ferenda to curb theinappropriate use of social networks, this paperprovides a series of proposals without losing sight of its feasibility from a technical point of view.