Creatividad y sombra (una aproximación a las zonas no iluminadas que posibilitan el impulso creativo en el ser humano)
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 2174-7822
Argitalpen urtea: 2016
Zenbakia: 5
Orrialdeak: 58-66
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: DOCREA
Creativity is usually understood and described from "positive" aspects we tend to associate symbolically to light or shining surfaces. That's why, which is creative can be confused with the merely productive. The present work tries to put to bring to the forefront the idea of the shadow as an essential element in order to understand more holistically the concept of Creativity. To achieve this goal, we will draw ideas from authors as different as the following: Durand, Pániker, Wilber, Koestler, Jung, Campbell, Tomás Segovia, Onfray, Zambrano y Kingsley.
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
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- Segovia, T. (2013). El tiempo en los brazos. Valencia: Pre-Textos.
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