Incorporar la competencia intercultural en la formación docenteexaminando posibilidades para Educación Física en la macrozona sur de Chile
- Carter-Thuillier, Bastian
- López-Pastor, Víctor
- Gallardo-Fuentes, Francisco
- Ojeda-Nahuelcura, Rodrigo
- Carter-Beltran, Juan
ISSN: 1579-1726, 1988-2041
Año de publicación: 2022
Número: 43
Páginas: 36-45
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación
In Chile, the volume of foreign students has reached historic levels over the last decade, creating new challenges for teacher training. Especially in the southern macro-zone of the country, where immigration has brought new identities to a territory historically marked by cultural diversity (due to the presence of the Mapuche ethnicity, the processes of colonisation, etc.), transforming schools into even more plural and complex spaces. Considering this scenario, it seems logical to focus on the training of Physical Education (PE) specialists who have the necessary competences to work in contexts of cultural diversity with a migrant presence. However, the evidence suggests that the universities located in the southern macro-zone of Chile do not incorporate "intercultural competence" in the training itineraries of future PE teachers; a fact that is inconsistent, given the historical characteristics of this territory and the educational changes that the migratory phenomenon has generated in this context. In view of the above, the aim of this article is to examine the possible incorporation of intercultural competence in the initial training of PE teachers in universities in the southern macro-zone of Chile. To this end, different theoretical and empirical backgrounds are reviewed, from which the need to move towards a teacher training that is consistent with the socio-cultural characteristics of the environment and capable of preparing specialists committed to safeguarding diversity, social justice and human dignity becomes evident.
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