Predicadores y lingüistasun acercamiento al plurilingüismo de los tratados de evangelización de la orden dominica en México

  1. Lorena Hurtado Malillos
Los dominicos españoles e iberoamericanos y la traducción
  1. Antonio Bueno García (ed. lit.)

Verlag: Comares

ISBN: 978-84-9045-664-4

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Titel des Bandes: Labor educativa, lexicográfica y misionera

Ausgabe: 2

Seiten: 771-792

Art: Buch-Kapitel


Preachers and linguists. An approach to the plurilingualism of the treaties of evangelization of the Dominican Order in Mexico. The present paper aims to analyze the way in which the plurilingual reality at the times of the discovery of the New World is reflected on the evangelist literature of the time. In a first phase, we will examine the task of documentation and translation of amerindian languages carried out by the Dominican Order in South America. In particular, we will focus on the figures of Fr. Cristóbal de Agüero, Fr. Martín de León and Fr. Agustín Quintana and their study of the mexican amerindian languages: zapotec, nahuatl and mixe. In a second phase, we will analyze the cases of plurilingualism amerindian languages-latin-spanish found on the evangelical treaties Misceláneo espiritual en el idioma zapoteco, Manual breve y forma de administrar los santos sacramentos a los indios universalmente and Confessionario en lengua mixe, written by the above mentioned authors. Thus, we wish to vindicate the role of the missionaries as mediators in the dichotomy colonizer-colonized, promoting the coexistence of languages and the mutual interest of the different groups in learning the language of the other.