El uso de podcast como instrumento de evaluación sobre el aprendizaje en la enseñanza de las ciencias

  1. Cristina Gil Puente
  2. Vanessa Ortega-Quevedo
ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa

ISSN: 2254-5883

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 11

Pages: 14-27

Type: Article

DOI: 10.30827/DIGIBUG.72231 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa


This research addresses the use of podcasts as an innovative teaching tool to reflect on and evaluate the teaching-learning process in the training of trainers, giving students a voice. The main objective is twofold: on the one hand, to contribute to the development of competences for the 21st century and, on the other, to analyse student learning through the content of the podcasts, checking whether the objectives of the subject (Didactics of Experimental Sciences) have been achieved. The methodology used is qualitative based on the qualitative content analysis technique. The analysis of the results shows how all the objectives of the subject have been reflected in the students' learning reflections, with special emphasis on the topics related to promoting a positive attitude towards the process of teaching science; understanding and encouraging reflection and critical thinking; the design of teaching materials and evaluation. Consequently, it is concluded that the use of the podcast as a teaching tool in this context promotes the development of competences for the 21st century and provides a glimpse of the learning obtained by the students.

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