Size effect on the compressive fatigue of fibre-reinforced concrete

  1. Ortega, J.J.
  2. Ruiz, G.
  3. Poveda, E.
  4. González, D.C.
  5. Tarifa, M.
  6. Zhang, X.X.
  7. Yu, R.C.
  8. Vicente, M.Á.
  9. de la Rosa, Á.
  10. Garijo, L.
CRediT (researchers' contribution):
Ortega, J.J.: Methodology, Writing original draft, Writing review editing. Ruiz, G.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing review editing, Supervision, Resources, documento.contribucion.FUNDINGACQUISITION. Poveda, E.: Methodology, Writing review editing. González, D.C.: Writing review editing, Methodology. Tarifa, M.: Methodology, Writing review editing. Zhang, X.X.: Methodology, Writing review editing. Yu, R.C.: Methodology, Writing review editing. Vicente, M.Á.: Methodology, Writing review editing, Resources, documento.contribucion.FUNDINGACQUISITION. de la Rosa, Á.: Methodology, Writing review editing. Garijo, L.: Methodology, Writing review editing.
Construction and Building Materials

ISSN: 0950-0618

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 322

Type: Article


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