Filología y humanidades digitalesun repertorio toponímico del Magreb
- Miguel Ángel Manzano
- Diego Melo Carrasco
ISSN: 0071-1713
Any de publicació: 2021
Número: 68
Pàgines: 89-104
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Estudios filológicos
The aim of this article is the partial presentation of the coordinated research project, Cultural Geography of the Islamic Maghreb and Human Dynamics in North Africa (MAGNA), and more specifically the subproject 1 integrated in it, Cultural Geography of the Medieval and Modern Islamic Maghreb on the Web (GEOMAGRED). Intended as an open access portal on the Internet, GEOMAGRED will offer a dictionary of Maghrebi toponyms extracted from Arabic, non-Arabic and other documentary sources. It will organize the information in several fields of interest, of which the first two will always be required: the standardised name of the toponym and its location. The paper will mention some background information about the genesis and development of the project and will also provide some examples of the data presentation that will be available to specialists and people interested in the history and geography of the Maghreb.
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