La enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lectura en Educación Primariaconsideraciones sobre el curriculum oficial

  1. Carmen Guillén Díaz 1
  2. Mª Luz Garrán Antolínez 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, Universidad de Valladolid
El reto de la lectura en el siglo XXI: Actas del VI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura
  1. Hoyos Ragel, María del Carmen (coord.)
  2. Gómez Gómez, Rosario (coord.)
  3. Molina Moreno, Mercedes (coord.)
  4. Urbano Marchi, Brigitte (coord.)
  5. Villoria Prieto, Javier (coord.)

Editorial: Grupo Editorial Universitario

ISBN: 84-8491-166-7

Ano de publicación: 2002

Páxinas: 1697-1710

Congreso: Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Congreso Internacional (6. 2000. Granada)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The curriculum designs in our national educational system specify the development of the reading skill in Primary Education through an official discourse which has been object of inquiry to answer three basic questions: in which terms this official curriculum informs teachers about reading? to which conception of reading and to which practices it makes reference in an explicit and implicit way? in which way the integration of the four basic linguistic skills in reading is produced or is taken place? For the content analysis, those discourse forms which make reference to the essential educative categories in a reading teaching and learning situation have been organized as: a) theoretical aspects (definition, principles, functions and characters, conceptions from reference disciplines), b) operative aspects (objectives, evaluation criteria, an methodological orientations). Qualitative and quantitative data have been gathered in order to obtain general considerations which could be translated in significative elements for Teacher Education.