Evaluación agronómica y nutritiva de diferentes genotipos de triticale para pienso

  1. M.J. Poblaciones
  2. D. Reynolds
  3. N. Pinheiro
  4. A. Rivera-Martín
  5. T. García-White
  6. S. Rodrigo
  7. O. Santamaría
Pastoralismo y vías pecuarias: conectando tradición e innovación
  1. Sonia Roig Gómez (coord.)
  2. Olivia Barrantes Díaz (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos

ISBN: 978-84-608-7708-0

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Orrialdeak: 434-442

Biltzarra: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos. Reunión Científica (57. 2018. Teruel)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


Triticale is a man´s created cereal with the aim of combining the rusticity of rye with thequality of wheat, being used as animal feed thanks, among other characteristics, to itshigher nutrient content. Although genetic breeding has traditionally focused in new linesselected because of its agronomic behavior, a breeding program is developed from thePortuguese INIAV, taking into account also the nutritional content. With this objective, thiswork has been developed to evaluate five genotypes belonging to advanced lines of theINIAV breeding program. A wide variability between the studied triticale’s was found interms of grain yield, 1 000 grain weight, hectoliter weight and protein content, highlightingINIAV-1 and INIAV-2 with the best results. Regarding nutrients, while the Ca did not varyamong the studied genotypes, Fe, Mg and Zn did, highlighted INIAV-1 and INIAV-2, withmore than 40, 1.5 and 25 mg kg-1, respectively. Therefore, they are the most importantgenotypes to be considered for its inclusion in future breeding programs.