Influencia de la calidad del terreno en la respuesta al fósforo de los pastos en la serena (Extremadura)

  2. S. Rodrigo
  3. O. Santamaría
  4. M.J.. Poblaciones
  5. T. Garcíawhite
  6. F.J. Viguera
  7. L. Olea
Pastos y Forrajes en el siglo XXI
  1. Josep Cifre Llompart (coord.)
  2. Isaac Janer March (coord.)
  3. Javier Gulías León (coord.)
  4. Jaime Jaume Sureda (coord.)
  5. Hipólito Medrano Gil (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos

ISBN: 978-84-606-7295-1

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 97-104

Congress: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos. Reunión Científica (54. 2015. Palma (Mallorca))

Type: Conference paper


Traditionally farmers in SW of Extremadura, with pastures of irregular production and low quality, divide the farmsin “bad” and “good” areas, fertilizing only the “good” areas. With the aim of evaluating the soil quality influence over thephosphoric fertilization (250 kg ha-1 of superphosphate of lime 18%) in two areas of a farm, classified according to the slope,depth and stone presence. Two years were studied analyzing dry matter yield, crude protein and digestibility, both in winterand spring. Crude protein was positively affected by fertilization in winter, while winter biomass increased after fertilizationwas higher in “bad” area than in “good” (47% and 10% respectively). In conclusion, it is convenient to apply phosphorus inboth areas due to the increase in winter production and pasture quality.