Terapia ocupacional y envejecimiento activo
ISSN: 1578-3103
Argitalpen urtea: 2012
Urtea: 12
Zenbakia: 3
Orrialdeak: 12-18
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Agathos: Atención sociosanitaria y bienestar
The concept of active aging is a current issue in our society due to the widespread increase in the number of older people. At this stage of life we find two forms of aging, this is the first we might call the psychological or one thats allow people the independence to function in their daily lives until late ages, while the second of pathological poses many problems related to diseases or chronic diseases that are accentuated with aging and cause dependence in activities of daily living. One strategy, the most relevant is preventive, is active aging, it gains importance among the population group, to try to prevent pathological aging and minimize dependence. Different professions in the field of aging must develop their work for these people to get to the end of life as independently as possible. This paper talks about the occupational therapy profession in developing the key concept of active aging.