Poder, territorio e identidades en la expansión del Reino de León sobre el Valle del Duero. Los castillos del interfluvio Távora-Côa en el siglo X

  1. Daniel Justo Sánchez
Arqueología en el Valle del Duero: del Paleolítico a la Edad Media
  1. Noelia Hernández Gutiérrez (coord.)
  2. Javier Larrazabal Galarza (coord.)
  3. Rodrigo Portero Hernández (coord.)

Éditorial: Glyphos

ISBN: 978-84-947952-1-3

Année de publication: 2018

Pages: 537-552

Congreso: Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del Valle del Duero (6. 2018. null)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


The Kingdom of Leon on the 10th century was a political structure whose territorial uniformity only can be observed if we follow to the letter the sources emanate from power. Considering the complexity of the period’s territoriality, castra and castella could have played a central role during the expansion process of the northern power over the Duero river Valley. In this context, we may appreciate the leadership owned by some moguls which usually make us to doubt about their true role as representatives for the monarchy. us, an analysis of the functions of castles in the Távora-Côa watershed during that period is presented. It was a peripheral frontier region whose castles come to light in a document of the year 960 issued by Doña Flámula Rodríguez. Using both written sources (Latin and Arabic) and row-organized cemeteries of cut rock-graves it was possible the interpretation of these spaces by the moment northern powers arrived. ereby, the study of these castles serve up to understand how the mechanism of territorial integration beneath the Kingdom of Leon had an enormous complexity. It differed from that showed in the sources issued by the monarchy since they comprised a kind of interaction between different levels of power, each one with their own identity.