Una primera aproximación a la tradición mágica de las grutas magrebíes a través de al-Bakri y al-Idrisi

  1. Franco-Vázquez, Cristina 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02f40zc51

El Futuro del Pasado: revista electrónica de historia

ISSN: 1989-9289

Ano de publicación: 2022

Título do exemplar: Democracias, populismos y dictaduras: del pasado al presente

Número: 13

Páxinas: 215-229

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.14201/FDP.27233 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Outras publicacións en: El Futuro del Pasado: revista electrónica de historia


The Maghrebi tradition of cave worship dates back to pre-Islamic times. The arrival of Islam in North Africa involves the incorporation and transfer of some of these rites to the Muslim tradition. This type of ceremonies in caves and caverns found in the Berber tradition (Bacax and Ifru) can also be found in the Jewish religion (Sefrou).Contemporary historiography (Doutté, Westermarck or Basset) has produced an overview of the situation about the rituals found in North Africa around the 20th century. Related to these works it is important to emphasize on the lack of attention to the ceremonies and rituals celebrated in caves. On the other hand, they highlight certain characteristics of these rituals and classify the caves and caverns according to the use that the population gave it.This contextualization, made from the most modern works, allows us to analyze through the stories of the medieval Arab geographers, some legends and rituals related to the cult in caves.In this first approach to the question, several aspects can be highlighted. These range from the lexicon used to name these caves, in addition to the type of animals and creatures that inhabit them.

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