Dissipative Relativistic Hydrodynamics: Gauge-Variational Aspects

  1. Fernández, A.
  2. García, P. L. 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Salamanca
Relativity and gravitation in general: proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting in honour of the 65th birthday of Lluís Bel : Salamanca, Spain, 22-25 September 1998
  1. Martín, J. (coord.)
  2. Ruiz, E. (coord.)
  3. Atrio, F. (coord.)
  4. Molina, A. (coord.)
  5. Lluís Bel (hom.)

Argitaletxea: World Scientific

ISBN: 9810239327

Argitalpen urtea: 1999

Orrialdeak: 237-242

Biltzarra: Spanish Relativity Meeting (21. 1998. Salamanca)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena