Referéndums sin ciudadanos. El caso del referendo para la reforma del Estatuto de Autonomía andaluz

  1. Gómez Fortes, Braulio
  2. Cabeza Pérez, Laura
REIS: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas

ISSN: 0210-5233

Any de publicació: 2010

Número: 130

Pàgines: 11-40

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: REIS: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas


Following 20 years without popular consultations, three referendums have been held in Spain since the year 2000. A common feature of these processes is their high abstention rate. Indeed, the majority of the population did not turn out to vote in any of the three referendums. Most studies on electoral behaviour in referendums, both in Spain and other countries, centre their attention on explaining the outcome of such consultations, but little research has focused on interpreting the reasons for abstention. This research study analyses the lack of participation in referendums by examining the case of the referendum for the Reform of the Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia (referendo para la reforma del Estatuto de Autonomía para Andalucía) held on 18 February 2007. Using empirical evidence obtained through a post-electoral survey and discussion groups, we show that the lack of information, the incoherency and ambiguous position of the main opposition party, as well as the general discontent of a segment of autonomous government party voters, led to one of the lowest turnouts in Spain?s electoral history.

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