Alfabetización mediática e informacional en las Escuelas de Imagen y Sonido. Percepciones de profesorado y alumnado

  1. Ana Lucía de Vega-Martín 1
  2. Ruth Pinedo González 2
  3. Alfonso Gutiérrez Martín 2
  1. 1 Escuela Superior de Imagen y Sonido ACEIMAR
  2. 2 Facultad de Educación de Segovia

ISSN: 2254-0059

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 11

Issue: 2

Pages: 1-17

Type: Article

More publications in: EDMETIC


In the digital age, both citizens and media professionals require media and information literacy skills for the new real, virtual and hybrid environments. The aim of this research is, first, to know the presence of competences in media education in the curricula of vocational training cycles in the field of Image and Sound, and thento know the self-perceived level of students and teachers, as well as the importance they give to each of them. A mixed design of concurrent triangulation is used where the qualitative design is a content analysis, and the quantitative design is transversal of exploratory scope. A scarce presence of contents related to media education in the curricula of information professionals is verified. Students and teachers consider themselves to have an adequate level of competence and assign greater importance to the detection of fake news in social networks, the protection of personal information online, the impact of Artificial Intelligence, and critical participation in debates. It is concluded that the training of Image and Sound professionals should include not only technical skills, but also MIL competencies.

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