Emoción y toma de decisiones: teoría y aplicación en la Iowa Gambling Task

  1. Fernando Gordillo León 2
  2. José M. Arana Martínez 2
  3. Judith Salvador Cruz 1
  4. Lilia Mestas Hernández 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    Ciudad de México, México

    ROR https://ror.org/01tmp8f25

  2. 2 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02f40zc51

Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala

ISSN: 1870-8420

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 14

Issue: 1

Pages: 333-353

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala


In decision making, rational and emotional factors converge toform a close and complementary relationship that is not yet wellunderstood. The somatic markers theory understands theneural circuits that regulate homeostasis and emotions as afundamental part of decision making. This theory uses the IowaGambling Task as a paradigm and this has led to inconsistentresults largely due to various uncontrolled aspects of themethodology. Since somatic markers theory is justified byresults obtained with subjects with prefrontal lesions, thisleaves unknowns regarding the validity of the Iowa GamblingTask as a paradigm capable of supporting the foundations ofthe theory regarding the existence of somatic marks thatprecede and guide choice. In this study we review the status ofthe issues and highlight the need for methodological proposalsthat permit sensitive and appropriate measurement of decisionmaking and are appropriate for the diagnosis and rehabilitationof disorders that present these deficits.

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