El poder del audio digital. Radio y podcast, nuevas oportunidades de negocio

  1. Galán Arribas, Rafael
Dirigida per:
  1. Francisco Javier Frutos Esteban Director
  2. Francisco Javier Herrero Gutiérrez Codirector

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 16 de de febrer de 2022

  1. Fernando Peinado Miguel President/a
  2. María Isabel Rodríguez Fidalgo Secretària
  3. Kruzkaya Ordóñez Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 715978 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


The radio has been a mass media in which it has always coincided media and channel. Meaning, the radio contents and the radio reproduction device itself have been one same thing. With the arrival of internet and multi distribution, the radio started to have location problems that have not resolve yet. In general, the communication medias carry something more than twenty years of transformation, nevertheless, maybe there has been a lack of planning and methodology at the time of boarding this process of reconfiguration. Is important to have in count that the radiophonic sector is the media that has arrived to digitalization later, possibly because it keeps exploiting a business model that still works, but it shows tendencies of exhaustion, reflected in a continued decreased of listeners and in the scarcely or null incorporation of new ones. At the same time, the voice is facilitating the interaction with the devices through the audio; what before was touch now is voice or what is the same what before was through a keyboard or touch screen now is audio or through voice control. It is certain that we are in a passionate moment for the radio and that audio lives a gold stage. However, we are also in a shifting scenario in constant evolution. This work of investigation goes deep in the process of the radiophonic sector that has the priority of redefinition and that embraces from the production of new contents to the strategies for its distribution in the audio sector. Podcaster, specialized researchers, university professors, broadcasting stations and professionals of the radio together with 410 young university students surveyed configured the results of this thesis. It is confirmed the lack of audio contents for young people in the broadcasting stations of Spanish radio; nevertheless, these public searches and consumes audio based on its personal likings, whose principal entry source is through the social media, in this way it will result them very useful and interesting creating their own podcast. Equally, it is verified that for the moment the principal Spanish broadcasting stations are starting to lodge native podcasts in their webs; it is content of quality and for minorities that in some cases count with own social media creating small communities of listeners. Lastly, it is warned that the unidirectional radio by waves allows a listening that many technologies still do not do, for example, in rural zones without internet, is universal, free, mobile and will live together with the radio online for undefined time. At the same time, the industry must establish synergies to make front the global audio platforms and make its business to be profitable, equally, it must have in count the listener and respond to their expectations.