Cuevas Ciegas, un espacio doméstico singular en la Colonia Clunia Sulpicia (Peñalba de Castro, Burgos)

  1. Clara Valladolid Esteban
  2. Beatriz Rubio Prada
  3. Gerardo Martínez Díez
  4. Mónica Gorostiza González
  5. María Rosa Cuesta Moratinos
  6. Gustavo Camacho Vélez
Arqueología en el Valle del Duero: del Paleolítico a la Edad Media
  1. Noelia Hernández Gutiérrez (coord.)
  2. Javier Larrazabal Galarza (coord.)
  3. Rodrigo Portero Hernández (coord.)

Publisher: Glyphos

ISBN: 978-84-947952-1-3

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 343-354

Congress: Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del Valle del Duero (6. 2018. null)

Type: Conference paper


The Roman city of Colonia Clunia Sulpicia (Peñalba de Castro, Burgos), capital of the Clunian Convent is located on the upper platform of Alto de Castro. lt was characterized by the monumentality of both public and private buildings. Cuevas Ciegas house is presented here for its singularity among the buildings of a domestic character. The particularity of this house lies in several aspects such as its location on one of the edges of the platform where the city is situated, its exceptional morphology with an external facade cemented on the hillside, or the articulation of the various rooms and infrastructures which make up it. This work focuses on spreading the complexity of this dwelling and interpreting all those aspects that characterize it.