Los Términos de la física en los diccionarios generales y especializados

  1. Orduña López, José Luis
Dirigida per:
  1. María Nieves Vila Rubio Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universitat de Lleida

Fecha de defensa: 21 de d’agost de 2003

  1. Juan Gutiérrez Cuadrado President/a
  2. Francisco Javier Terrado Pablo Secretari/ària
  3. Bertha María Gutiérrez Rodilla Vocal
  4. David Jou Mirabent Vocal
  5. Cecilio Garriga Escribano Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 92521 DIALNET


The writing of this doctoral thesis is due to the perception about the relation that has been established in the last years, between scientific and technical language and common language. To a great extent, this is because of the prominence acquired by scientific research in western society, which is partly reflected by audiovisual media. At a lexicographic level, the inclusion of technical terms into general language dictionaries proves this relation. On the one hand, the chief aim of this work is to confirm which is the presence of a part of scientific terminology, the physical terminology, in some dictionaries, especially, the Diccionario de la Lengua Española by the Real Academia Española (DRAE). On the other hand, this work tries to confirm the terminology treatment from the formal perspective and, above all, from the conceptual perspective, moreover, it is intended to see the possible differences in opposition to specialized dictionaries. Taking into account the concept of general language dictionary, this research aims to tackle the pertinence of the technical terms in this type of books and to justify, at a first stage, a lexicographic treatment out of them. With regard to the thesis structure, it has been divided into three parts. In the first one, it is attempted to characterise scientific terminology, basically, from a sociocultural-pragmatic (chapter 1) and conceptual-semantic (chapter 2) points of view, in opposition to common vocabulary. In the second part, the interest is focused on the relation between scientific terminology and dictionaries, at a macrostructural and microstructural levels, by analysing the Physics vocabulary located at DRAE at an entry level (chapter 3), definition level (chapter 4) and other informations, particularly, the diatechnical marks (chapter 5). This second parte finishes with a review of other general dictionaries in order to have a widest base on which we can find our later conclusions, as well as two specialized dictionaries in order to observe possible differences (chapter 6). The third part is an appendix that consists of the Physics entries and senses Corpus at DRAE, among other informations. It also consists of an explanation about its preparation, which needed the use of reference books (specialized dictionaries, encyclopaedies) and counselling from experts.