Saint Eugenia Outside-Inside-Outside Rome: An Iconographic Continuity?

  1. Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky 12
  1. 1 Austrian Academy of Sciences

    Austrian Academy of Sciences

    Viena, Austria


  2. 2 University of Salzburg

    University of Salzburg

    Salzburgo, Austria


Ambiguous Women in Medieval Art
  1. Mónica Ann Walker Vadillo (coord.)

Editorial: Trivent

ISBN: 978-615-81222-0-7 978-615-81222-1-4

Ano de publicación: 2019

Páxinas: 119-145

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


This essay deals with the iconography of Saint Eugenia demonstrating both the continuity and the development of her visual characteristics as a martyr, with special emphasis on the area of Rome, Italy. Her cult contributed to the promotion and multiplication of her imagery in Rome and northern Italy. Thus, Eugenia’s iconography from Ravenna becomes a starting point for the reconstruction of her early sixth- seventh-century depictions in Rome. This research concludes that although this holy woman belongs to the group of cross-dressed saints, Saint Eugenia is (visually and textually) constructed as a woman due to her positioning into groups of female saints.

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