The Apocryphal Geography of the Virgin Mary in Hagiographic Collections: Dissemination and Liturgy

  1. Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky 12
  1. 1 Austrian Academy of Sciences

    Austrian Academy of Sciences

    Viena, Austria


  2. 2 Institute for Modern and Contemporary Historical Research

    Institute for Modern and Contemporary Historical Research

    Viena, Austria


'Set me as a seal upon thy heart': constructions of female sanctity in late antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the early modern period

Argitaletxea: Trivent

ISBN: 978-615-80996-8-4

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Orrialdeak: 40-64

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


This paper concentrates on the dissemination of Marian apocryphal imagery in Western Europe in relation to various textual sources used in devotional and liturgical contexts. It aims at presenting the geographic distribution, the confluence zones, and the density of Marian Apocryphal iconography with the purpose of establishing areas subject to individual case studies. Also, it highlights local developments and the incorporation of several iconographic themes into the apocryphal material.

Erreferentzia bibliografikoak

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