La modernización y gobernanza del Proyecto Europeo en un marco plural con valores y objetivos compartidos.

  1. Jesús Baigorri coord.
  2. Jürgen Elvert coord.

Editorial: Fundación Academia Europea e Iberoamericana de Yuste ; Peter Lang Bélgica

ISBN: 9782807618800

Any de publicació: 2021

Tipus: Llibre


This book compiles the contributions made to the Doctoral Seminar on "The European Project’s Modernisation and Governance in a Plural Framework with Shared Values and Goals", organised by Yuste Foundation at the Royal Monastery of Yuste between 19 and 24 June 2019. Its contents cover different research areas, including the lines proposed in the title of this publication from a rich and diverse perspective: the externalisation of migratory and border policies in the EU and the refugee crisis; conflicts over social Europe and the Directive concerning the posting of workers; the Banking Union; challenges and "renewal" perspectives and the development of a new identity in Europe; the defence policy; democracy and its risks in Europe; Art. 50 TEU in the light of Brexit; European emigrants and the new Jewish exodus; the crisis in the EU criminal law to strengthen fundamental rights and European values; and the complaint mechanisms of the European Agencies FRONTEX and EASO to protect fundamental rights.