De la disponibilidad léxica a la disponibilidad gramaticaldesarrollos metodológicos y aplicación didáctica
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 1988-8430
Any de publicació: 2022
Títol de l'exemplar: La investigación en disponibilidad léxica y su proyección en el ámbito de la didáctica de la lengua
Volum: 3
Número: 35
Pàgines: 299-366
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Tejuelo: Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Educación
This article is a methodological development of lexical availability towards the field of grammar, in a first phase of what we have called grammatical availability. To this end, we designed a sequential test in which, instead of semantic stimuli, we offered two metagrammatical labels (Nouns and Verbs). From a sample of 56 young adult native Spanish speakers, the data reflect, at the quantitative level, a high productivity in both centers of interest, even higher in nouns, which is related to the size of the category and the type of units required. On the other hand, the qualitative analysis reveals that the most available units correspond to the most prototypical subclasses (for nouns: common, discontinuous, individual and concrete nouns; for verbs: predicative, bivalent, transitive, nonpronominal and action), as well as essentially semantic links in the recall strategies. These results highlight how formal instruction allows to configure metatheoretical categories of a grammatical nature in the minds of speakers, and show various possibilities of application for the teaching of grammar at different educational levels.
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