El espinar esclerófilo de Asparago Albi-Rhamnetum "Bethurici" en el subsector Ribaduriense

  1. Navarro Andrés, Florentino
  2. Gallego Martín, Francisca
  3. Sánchez Anta, María Angeles
  4. González Zapatero, M.ª Angeles
  5. Elena Roselló, Juana Ana
Acta Botanica Malacitana

ISSN: 0210-9506 2340-5074

Year of publication: 1987

Issue: 12

Pages: 209-212

Type: Article

DOI: 10.24310/ACTABOTANICAABMABM.V12I.9747 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

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The present work contributes ecological, floristic and phytosociological data about the sclerophilus thombush found in the association Asparago albi-Rhamnetum "bethurici" Ladero 1970 of the lower stratum of dry mesomediterranean bioclimatic level of the Ribaduriense subsector (Lusitano-Duriense sector), the nothermost limit of its area.