Alisedas salmantinas y zamoranas

  1. Navarro Andrés, Florentino
  2. González Zapatero, M.ª Angeles
  3. Gallego Martín, Francisca
  4. Elena Roselló, Juana Ana
  5. Sánchez Anta, María Angeles
  6. López Blanco, L.
Studia botanica

ISSN: 0211-9714

Année de publication: 1986

Número: 5

Pages: 39-52

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Studia botanica


In this paper we study the alder tree communities in the mesomediterranean and supramediterranean stages of the provinces of Salamanca and Zamora. Two associations are recognized: Scrophulario scorodoniae �Alnetum glutinosae and Galio broteriani� Alnetum glutinosae. One new subassociation is described: paradiseetosum lusitanicae nova �belonging to the second one�. The structural, chorologic, ecològic, dinàmic and floristic aspects are discused for every sintaxon.