El patrimonio cultural en el punto de mira. Guerra híbrida, precedentes e iniciativas de salvaguardia y el conflicto ruso-ucraniano
ISSN: 0213-2214
Año de publicación: 2022
Número: 42
Páginas: 69-92
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Norba: Revista de arte
Cultural Property, as a materialisation of diverse cultural identities, constitutes a strategic element and an additional target in hybri d threats in case of war. In the current situation of conflict between Ukraine and Russia, i t is proposed to make a synthesis of the measures for safeguarding heritage in the event of war that have been developed since the 19th century, through the 1954 Hague Conv ention, to the present day. It is also aimed to confirm the symbolic relevance of her itage in armed conflicts, as well as to make an approach to the situation of heritage in the Russian-Ukrainian context: application of protection measures, destructions, l ooting and interventions with an apparent intention of appropriation and manipulatio n.
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