Simulación clínica en el grado en fisioterapia
- Ana M Martín-Nogueras 1
- Rocío Llamas-Ramos 1
- Beatriz M Bermejo-Gil 1
- 1 Universidad de Salamanca (España)
ISSN: 2531-1336
Año de publicación: 2023
Volumen: 12
Número: 1
Páginas: 103-114
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Revista de innovación y buenas prácticas docentes
Clinical simulation, a teaching-learning strategy prior to clinical practice, facilitates learning in safe environments and has positive effects compared to conventional methods. The aim of this study was to present a virtual clinical simulation activity in the subject Physiotherapy in rheumatology and spine disorders and to describe the satisfaction of teachers and students. It consisted of the presentation of two videos with different physiotherapeutic actions in a real case of shoulder pain during a session (3 hours) in groups (10-12 students) to promote clinical reasoning; correlate clinical data and interpret complementary tests; and highlight communication as a therapeutic alliance. It was structured in three parts: presentation (prebriefing), development (briefing) and reflective discussion (debriefing). Student satisfaction was explored by means of a survey with Likert scales. Thirty-two answers were collected. Students showed a high degree of agreement regarding methodology, objectives and dynamics of the activity. Almost all would recommend the clinical simulation and all of them would participate again. They highlighted the reflection process and the professional applicability. The virtual clinical simulation in this subject is feasible and satisfactory for teachers and students. It can be considered that it can improve the reflective capacity, attitudes and acquisition of competencies of the degree
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