A partially complementary chiral metamaterial based on a four-cranks resonator

  1. Barba García, Ismael
  2. Grande Sáez, Ana María
  3. López Cabeceira, Ana Cristina
  4. Molina Cuberos, Gregorio José
  5. Represa Fernández, José Benito
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (9º. 2015. Lisboa)

Publisher: European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP)

Year of publication: 2015

Type: Conference paper


A partially complementary bilayer chiral metamaterial (CMM) is proposed and numerically studied. It exhibits a strong optical activity and a small circular dichroism. The retrieval results reveal that a negative refractive index is realized in a narrow band around the resonance of the chirality parameter.