Los determinantes psicoeducativos de la alfabetización digital en la educación superiorrevisión sistemática, estudios de validación, multivariados y de mediación causal

  1. Gutiérrez Ángel, Nieves
Supervised by:
  1. Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez Director
  2. Isabel Mercader Rubio Director
  3. Judit García Martín Director

Defence university: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 03 February 2023

  1. José Manuel Aguilar Parra Chair
  2. Pablo Antonio Conde Guzón Secretary
  3. Sónia Maria de Brito Costa Committee member

Type: Thesis


Background Education can be imparted in any curricular area, and ICTs are postulated as a resource that can ensure their implementation. Therefore, it is essential to speak of digital literacy, understood as a multi-area competence in relation to the use of digital technology, which implies actions such as the ability of a subject to analyze, compose and originate digital content, solve digital issues, communicate and interact with others in a safe and appropriate manner Contributions In the first chapter, a systematic review of the state of the matter is carried out, analyzing the empirical studies in the university field. Which analyzes the empirical evidence provided by international studies from 2010 to 2021 related to the digital literacy of university students, including those who pursue careers related to the educational field (Gutiérrez-Ángel et al., 2022a). The second chapter analyzes the use that young Spanish people make of the Internet and digital devices outside of school, the time they use them and their attitudes towards the use of digital devices. And it identifies the effects of the use of the Internet and digital devices on social networks and interpersonal relationships (Gutiérrez-Ángel et al., 2022b). The third chapter starts from the hypothesis that the improvement of digital competence has a positive impact on the use made of ICT and also on its correlation with sustainable development. As a result of these contributions, the third study emerges in which it analyzes the resources, enjoyment and digital experiences, and literacy and digital skills in the countries of Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Colombia (Gutiérrez-Ángel et al., 2022c). Conclusions In conclusion, this doctoral thesis shows that digital literacy is an inherent element of today's society. In which it must be linked to the development of the sustainability of the countries through their training and education. The main contributions of this doctoral thesis show the relevance of the treatment of this subject from the initial training of future teachers, as well as in groups such as adolescents, in terms of the use of the Internet, and digital devices outside of school. , the time they use them and their attitudes towards the use of digital devices, the digital resources available, the enjoyment and digital experiences, and digital literacy and skills in the countries of Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Colombia.