La ciudad de Ávila como espacio de decadencia y muertela sombra del ciprés es alargada (1948), de Miguel Delibes
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 1988-9127
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Zenbakia: 16
Orrialdeak: 37-62
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Hápax: Revista de la Sociedad de Estudios de Lengua y Literatura
Hispanic literature of the first half of the twentieth century was a prolific period in the study of the Spanish past and its significance in the face of the troubled political times that were being lived in the country. In this study we intend to show how the city of Ávila is used in a symbol of tradition and the spirit of death, all this in opposition to the living memory of past times that are glimpsed with yearning and are contrasted with the arduous contemporary situation. To do this, we will analyse La sombra del ciprés es alargada, by Miguel Delibes, where you can see how the ideological and aesthetic spirit of an entire era is channelled.