Interpretaciones fenomenológicas del kata syntheken del logos de Aristóteles
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 0034-8244, 1988-284X
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 48
Pages: 185-201
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de filosofía
The paper tries to assume the possible philosophical returns of the fact that the meaning is by convention in Aristotle from the Heidegger´s hermeneutical transformation of phenomenology. Our thesis is that, in the concept of convention that Aristotle handles, some of the appreciations that Heidegger understands by facticity could be amalgamated and that they will try to bend philosophy to life. A life that the Messkirch saw already anticipated by Aristotle in his practical philosophy but also, as we will try to argue, can be traced in how the Stagirite assumed the central role of the political community in determining what “semainein” is.
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