El método eduterapéutico como estrategia de apoyo al niño hospitalizado

  1. Alves Rodrígues, Manuel
  2. Ortiz González, María del Carmen
  3. Serradas Fonseca, Marian
Revista de educación

ISSN: 0034-8082

Datum der Publikation: 2004

Titel der Ausgabe: Educación y deporte

Nummer: 335

Seiten: 229-246

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de educación


It is assumed from the point of view of hospital pedagogy the need for educational alternatives, through which adequate attention can be given to the sick child, taking into account the general state of anxiety that a child presents when coming into hospital and in particular, before having surgery. Edu-therapeutic method is an innovative proposal to such effect, using a methodology based on the drawing as a prefered means of expression, health professionals will develop a mediation strategy, at the same time educational and therapeutic, helping children who were in physical, cognitive and emotional disadvantage before surgery. In children's narrations after the operation there are, in fact, indicators showing the advantages of the implementation of this method, which satisfies informative, pedagogical and therapeutic requirements in an interactive and play context