La cofradía de los Māǧariyyūn de safí y la creación de caravana de los peregrinos (Rakb al-Huǧǧāǧ) en marruecos1

  1. Rachid El Hour 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


De Estepa a Salamanca miradas en torno a la lengua
  1. Carmen Quijada Van den Berghe (coord.)
  2. Borja Alonso Pascua (coord.)
  3. Francisco Escudero Paniagua (coord.)
  4. Carolina Martín Gallego (coord.)
  5. Gema Belén Garrido Vílchez (coord.)

Verlag: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca ; Universidad de Salamanca

ISBN: 978-84-1311-830-7

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Seiten: 771-782

Art: Buch-Kapitel


This paper studies one of the most emblematic Maghrebi ribāṭs of the Islamic West, as a prime manifestation of collective Sufism, both in terms of its key role in history, at least up until the Portuguese invasion of the Moroccan coasts in the fifteenth century, as well as the importance of its founder, Abū Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ (d. 631/1233), who also founded the ṭarīqa al-mājariyya, a dominant force in the social and religious life of the Maghrib al-Aqṣā. One of this walī Allāh’s most significant acts of renewal was the revival and consolidation of the Hajj, amid a period characterized by an accute lack of security in the Mediterranean due to the Crusades, thus countering the legal opinion of a range of venerated Maghrebi scholars, including Ibn Rushd, the head qadi of Almoravid Córdoba.This study focuses on two central aspects: on the one hand, the Ribāṭ of Safi and its historical evolution, and, on the other, the role of the Mājariyyūn in organizing and insti-tutionalizing the Hajj under the Marinids, which makes Safi a unique case in the history of the ribāṭs of the Maghrib al-AqṢā. Regarding the second aspect dealt with in the study, we would like to clarify that our aim is not to analyze Maghrebi travel literature, but rather to highlight the singular role played by the Mājariyyūn in reinstating journeys of pilgrimage to the Islamic holy lands.