La incomprensible continuidad en la visión negativa del personaje de Morgana a través de M.K.Hume

  1. María Elena Seoane Pérez
Personajes femeninos y canon
  1. Andrea Santamaría Villarroya (ed. lit.)

Argitaletxea: Benilde Ediciones

ISBN: 978-84-16390-56-4

Argitalpen urtea: 2017

Orrialdeak: 501-529

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


The writter M.K. Hume directs the plot around the main character, Artorex (an Arthur’s pseudonym), who will fight to change his already sealed destiny. Most of the characters are driven by the hatred and loyalty to a common purpose, the safety and the defense of their own town. In the same way, Hume maintains contemptuous feelings towards Morgana, whose purpose will be, once more, firstly to take revenge against her step-father Uter, and secondly against Arthur. There is no change from the writer in her characterisation of Morgana, more like a continuation of the literary tradition from the 13th century.