Single-shot and non-destructive longitudinal monitor by means of electro-optical sampling for future plasma wakefield acceleration experiments

  1. Pompili, R.
  2. Anania, M.P.
  3. Bellaveglia, M.
  4. Castellano, M.
  5. Chiadroni, E.
  6. Cianchi, A.
  7. Di Giovenale, D.
  8. Di Pirro, G.
  9. Gatti, G.
  10. Giorgianni, F.
  11. Ferrario, M.
  12. Massimo, F.
  13. Mostacci, A.
  14. Vaccarezza, C.
  15. Villa, F.
20th IMEKO TC4 Symposium on Measurements of Electrical Quantities: Research on Electrical and Electronic Measurement for the Economic Upturn, Together with 18th TC4 International Workshop on ADC and DCA Modeling and Testing, IWADC 2014

ISBN: 9789299007327

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Seiten: 69-74

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag