Raras mujeres nuevasaborto y maternidad en el imaginario de dos mujeres ecuatorianas
- 1 FLACSO. Ecuador Universidad Tecnológica Israel
ISSN: 1316-3701
Argitalpen urtea: 2015
Zenbakien izenburua: Mitos y realidades sobre la interrupción del embarazo
Alea: 20
Zenbakia: 44
Orrialdeak: 73-89
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista venezolana de estudios de la mujer
This article approaches to the resistance of two Ecuadorian women through their experiences of abortion, in a context of legal and social penalization. It inquires about the links between those experiences and the figure of the mother, an archetype of the denying of women’s sexual placer and the association sex/reproduction, which places woman in the center of reproduction. The article deepens into the exercise of women’s capacity of action within the frame of the resistance routes, the influence of religious institutions, family and male partners as possible coercive mechanisms of guilt. It proposes an approach to abortion like a possibility and an event that happens in a sexed and situated body, dialoguing with main approaches to the subject