Reminiscencia y musicoterapia como intervenciones no farmacológicas en pacientes con demencia y cuidadores familiares

  1. Celia Birigay Mínguez
  2. Jaime Corcuera de Velasco
Familia: Revista de ciencias y orientación familiar

ISSN: 1130-8893

Ano de publicación: 2022

Número: 60

Páxinas: 123-146

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Familia: Revista de ciencias y orientación familiar


This study makes a systematic approach to the importance of working with older adults with some type of dementia (mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's, etc.), focusing on two NonPharmacological Therapies (NPT): positive reminiscence and music therapy, being this the main objective of the study. The study its been focused on finding different studies that demonstrates the efficacy of the increase in cognitive level (memory, language, concentration...) and the decrease in depressive symptomatology as a consequence of the implementation of reminiscence and/or music therapy as NPT, as well as in the physical, emotional and psychosocial health of family caregivers who are af fected. For this purpose, a search has been carried out in Dialnet and Pubmed with a time criterion of 10 years, finding a total of 52 articles that address these NPT, being 18 those that show clear evidence and detailed results on its efficacy. After carrying out this literature review, it is observed that NPT are effective tools for obtaining cognitive, behavioral, and emotional benefits in patients and family members, some of them being: improvement of mood and depressive symptoms, quality of life, promotion of socialization and communication of these patients, as well as improvement in well-being, quality of life and satisfaction of family caregivers..

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