Impactos de los procesos políticos nacionales en las iniciativas organizativas de las mujeres piaroa en la Amazonia colombo-venezolana

  1. Rosado Cárdenas, Vivian Paulina 1
  1. 1 Fundación Etnollano
Mundo amazónico

ISSN: 2145-5082 2145-5074

Year of publication: 2011

Issue Title: January-December

Issue: 2

Type: Article

More publications in: Mundo amazónico


This article analyses the incidence of the national political processes in the Colombia-Venezuela border on the organizational process of Piaroa indigenous women living along the middle Orinoco River. From their grassroots organizations, these women seek to cooperate amongst themselves and build a regional ethnic identity, without geopolitical borders, that allows them to strengthen their roles in their communities, in face of the current process of urbanization. However, the policies of the two countries offer different strategies for reclaiming and rebuilding this new cultural identity and for reassessing their position as indigenous women and citizens. This is made evident in their demands to the State and in the new ‘plans of life’ (planes de vida) they have proposed for the future generations.