Abric pizarro (Àger, Lleida)un nou jaciment del paleolític mitjà al Prepirineu Oriental

  1. Susana Vega Bolivar
  2. Sofía C. Samper Carro
  3. Jezabel Pizarro Barberà
  4. Rafael Mora
  5. Jorge Martínez-Moreno
  6. Alfonso Benito-Calvo
Primeres Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia de Ponent: Balaguer i Lleida, 17 i 18 d’abril de 2015

Publisher: Departamento de Cultura ; Generalidad de Cataluña = Generalitat de Catalunya

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 32-39

Congress: Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia de Ponent (1. 2015. Balaguer i Lleida)

Type: Conference paper


Last 30 years, the fi rst foothills of the Southern Pyrenees have become a privileged place to analyze the Neanderthal settlement in the Iberian Peninsula. Beside the current number of caves and rock shelters attributed to Middle Paleolithic located in the Marginal/Exterior Sierras of Lleida and Huesca; it should be added the new site of Abric Pizarro. This deposit was located in 2009 in a marginal valley of the Aspres de la Noguera. The fi eldwork aff ected around 20 m2 allows identifying two archeological levels –M and P- that preserve abundant and well preserved lithic and bone assemblages. Preliminary chronometric data ascribe these occupations at the MIS 4/start MIS 3. This temporal span is relevant to characterize the Neanderthals that lived at the Southeastern Pyrenees.