Tecnologia e políticaO comportamento das redes sociais virtuais na disseminação do bolsonarismo no Brasil em 2022

  1. Velásquez Pérez, Luis Guillermo
Dirigida por:
  1. Rafael de Brito Dias Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

Fecha de defensa: 17 de marzo de 2023

Tipo: Tesis


The social media have had a relevant role during the last time in Brazil, in the case of their relationship with politics with the aim of influencing the democratic process, as was observed in the use of WhatsApp for the massive dissemination of Fake News from automated systems hired by companies during the 2018 election campaign that caused the formation of a Parliamentary Commission to investigate them between 2019 and 2020, as well as by the propagation of the extreme far-right discourse with authoritarian characteristics that has been a constant since the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff in 2016 until the government of Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2023). The aim, then, was to establish the bidirectional behavior between Bolsonarism and social media after these events and, particularly, in the electoral context of 2022; not only to further deepen the understanding of the dynamics and impacts of its political-technological action, but also because it is important to establish which were the metrics that most influenced its diffusion and have the potential to contribute both to increase its margin of growth and its consolidation in the virtual environment of the Brazilian right. For this purpose, a descriptive analysis of the main metrics, publications and background of the most relevant users that make up the bolsonarist technopolitical ecosystem, a content analysis of the main publications disseminated by the ecosystem and a multivariate analysis of the relationship and influence of the metrics of the users in the virtual social networks where the main publications on Bolsonarism-related topics were disseminated