Latin American TV series production in Netflix streaming platform. Club de Cuervos and La Casa de las Flores
Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 2237-1265
Argitalpen urtea: 2019
Alea: 7
Zenbakia: 1-2
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Journal of Latin American Communication Research
This research studies the peculiarities of Netflix original content within theproduction of its Latin American projects, in order to determine the characteristics of these4TV series and their repercussion for the Latino industry and community. Following aqualitative methodology, we reviewed the previous research on streaming services, focusingon Netflix platform. In our presentation of the key themes across the literature, we draw ondata from an in-depth interview with Diego Ávalos (2018) – Netflix’s Vice President ofInternational Originals Content in Latin American and Spanish – to provide insight into thespecific features of Latin American Netflix production. In addition, we looked at theproduction context, fiction features, and reception context of two specific TV projects: Clubde Cuervos (2015-2019) and La Casa de las Flores (2019-2020). The analysis of these TVshows sheds light on Netflix’s contribution to Latin American TV series production, throughinnovative projects which are internationally distributed. Therefore, Netflix service and itsoriginal production provide an opportunity for the recognition and diffusion of LatinAmerican audiovisual industry.