Importación paralela de medicamentos genéricos reenvasados con la marca de los medicamentos de referencia (a propósito de la STJUE de 17 de noviembre de 2022, c-253/20 y c-254/20, asunto Impexeco)

  1. Juan José Fernández Domínguez 1
  2. Guillermo Domínguez Fernández
  1. 1 Universidad de León

    Universidad de León

    León, España


Revista Jurídica de la Universidad de León

ISSN: 2529-8941

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Nummer: 11

Seiten: 115-131

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista Jurídica de la Universidad de León


The strategy of multinationalpharmaceutical companies to create subsidiaries in orden to compete at an adventage in the generic drugs market has been countered by parallel importers. The chosen formula is to repackage generic medicinal product in the exportating Member State, but to place the brand names of the reference medicinal product on the market in the importation State (re-branding). Through the requirement that the two drugs be “identical in all respects”, and denying that there is any other interés worthy of protection tan that of taking advantage of the brand’s renown to obtaingreater profitability, the Court of Justice of the European Union raise serious doubts about the practice.

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